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AI powered desktop
pet robot friend companion coding teacher
"Doly is more than a robot, a smart companion that brings joy, entertainment and knowledge to your life."
Experience the future of AI with Doly, a self-acting personality that thinks, feels and learns like a true companion.
The possibilities are endless with Doly, as it enables you to code and animate your very own distinct creations.
With Doly, you can explore the world from a different perspective and take control of your own adventure.
Doly is the ultimate desktop assistant that helps you with daily tasks, weather forecasts and memorable snapshots.
Many customizable features make it a unique companion that reflects your individual style.
One-of-a-kind companion robot that is packed with advanced AI technology, sensors and features.
"A tool that promotes creativity, curiosity and problem-solving skills."
Open Source
Doly is a unique and innovative 3D printable companion robot. What sets Doly apart from other robots in the market is that it is based on open design and open hardware. This means that users have the freedom to customize and modify the robot according to their needs and preferences.
Furthermore, because Doly is open-source, it is easier for users to collaborate and share their ideas with each other. This means that as the Doly community grows, the robot will continue to improve and evolve. By sharing knowledge and working together, the possibilities for Doly’s development are endless.

The Raspberry Pi powered Doly is not just any ordinary companion robot, it is a unique platform that offers flexibility for upgrades. The hardware architecture of Doly makes it easy for users to customize the robot to fit their needs. With many Raspberry Pi Compute Module variants available, developers can choose the model that best fits their needs. This means that Doly can be upgraded to have more RAM and storage options, allowing for the development of more complicated and powerful programs.
"Doly's technology ensures that your personal data is secure, with AI algorithms processed locally on the edge, keeping your privacy protected."